Obtain a loan with a mortgage security
Contribute with any property of your own to the establishment of a trading corporation
Establish a non-profit entity
Larry out the restoration of a house or any business premises
Constitute any house - owner association or community
File your income tax return (Descents, Sucessions)
Establish the rights of usufruct, ownership and use
Establish the transfer of lease or weighing up when renting any urban property
Deal with any other issue which requires an assessment
Asses the worth of a property or real estate for fax pursupes and the partition of an inheritance
Asses the value of your assets in order to establish an own-assets agreement
Asses the value of your assets when dealing with a judicial separation
Allocate any immovable property within a testament
Buy or sell a house for your own use or just to rent it
Acquire some business premises so as to set up a business or create your own company
Make the right decision in relation to your immovable capital investments
Acquire a building site in relation to a future property develolopment within the area